Thursday, February 9, 2017

Am I over it, YET?

Hate:intense or passionate dislike.
Indifferencelack of interest, concern, or sympathy.

I am going to use the two words in this blog post. I feel that one is worse than the other. I feel that one carries much greater power than the other. Please read to understand my point of view. Thank you.

I keep seeing posts on social media saying, "get over it already, you lost..." Ok, I am over the election. Don't you get it? 

IT'S not about being a winner or loser in an election. IT'S not about being a republican or a democrat, it goes much deeper than that.

I am over the election. I have moved on from that whole shit show. It is YOUR president and YOU that haven't seemed to move on just yet. YOUR president keeps bringing up voter fraud and emails that don't amount to anything. So, who hasn't really gotten over it yet?

YOUR president keeps speaking of making this country great again. So far, all I have seen and heard from him is what he is willing to do to "Make America White, Again."  

Do you know the words inscribed on Ellis Island? Do they mean anything to you? Do you know the difference between an immigrant and a refugee? Take a step back, and just know that this is not ANYONE'S ORIGINAL HOME. We all started off as strangers to this land, so don't be so quick to turn away those that seek refuge where you and I call home.

Hate or Indifference...which is worse? Is it easier to know someone hates you and what you stand for? Hate is definable. Hate is targeted. Hate is learned. To say you HATE someone is direct to that person and or persons, there is no grey area.  

What scares me is indifference. You just don't care one way or the other. You don't care if this country bans a certain group of people from entering, it doesn't affect you. You don't care if fundamental rights are being stripped away from women, children, the doesn't affect you. You had no interest in marching on January 21st, 2017, because for you as a woman, you feel you were not going to lose any rights and other women just need to stop whining. It didn't affect you. It didn't affect anyone you know. 

I am happy that you have never felt that your rights have been violated. I am happy that you have never been made to feel lesser than you are. I am happy that you have never had to fear for your children's safety, because of the color of their skin. I am happy that you as a woman have never had a man sexually assault you, only to have a judge say, "BOYS will be BOYS." I am happy that you have never had to worry about how you were going to pay for your prescriptions this month, along with making the rent  and also have food on the table. I am happy that you have not lost a friend to a hate crime becuase they were LGBTQ. I am happy that you have never had your head scarf ripped off your head. I am happy that you never had your loyalty to this country questioned. I am happy that you are able to afford to send your children to the best schools without having to take out federal loans. I am happy that you have never had to walk into Planned Parenthood with your young daughter and ask about abortions and birth control. 

Your indifference to these issues because they do not affect you is the problem. You may not HATE anyone or anything, but your lack of concern that these are things that people deal with on a daily basis IS the problem. YOUR INDIFFERENCE MAKES YOU THE PROBLEM. 

Back to the original question...Am I over it YET?  I am over the election yes. He won, in the eyes of our election process. Am I over IT...that is a loaded question. IT has only started. IT will not stop till justice is won for the good of ALL people in the country. IT is a battle that I am not going to stop fighting until I do not have to explain to my nieces why they are paid less than any boy for doing the exact same job. IT is not a fight I will give up until I know that my reproductive rights are protected and my body, my choice is respected. It is not going to go away, till my nephew, BILs, uncles, cousins and all men of color do not have to worry about being shot in the streets.  It is always going to be something that I am passionate about, because all children deserve the RIGHT to a glorious education, no matter their zip code. IT is always something I demand, respect for my LGBTQ friends and family. IT is not going to stop me from covering my head with a scarf, and scare others who choose to do so either-the choice is ours and ours alone. IT is about being able to be proud of this country and  know that we ARE better than this. 

IT is only week we still have time. Till then, keep marching, keep speaking out, keep loving, keep smiling and please do not stop caring!!

Be Kind.