Monday, July 18, 2016

I hate discussing politics, here's why?

Read this disclaimer before you continue on: If you are offended by profanity, my opinions about politics and well life in general, you might not want to read any more. These are my personal opinions about politics and if you can't be civilized when it comes to talking about it, please just de-friend me now. I don't offend easily, so don't worry, if you are going to not be friends because our views are different, I probably won't miss you anyway. Also, please no comments about this post; basically, don't come for me in regards to politics. You have your opinions and I have mine. I do not have to read and or agree with yours and you the same with mine. Opinions are like ass-holes: everyone has one. 

Here are just a few reasons I hate will not discuss politics with ANYONE:
1. People are set in their ways. I am not going to change your mind. You might bring up a good point about your bigoted candidate and yes, I will listen to your thoughts, but I am not going to even give it a second thought. I am not going to waste my time trying to tell you that this particular person is a serious threat to this country in so many ways. That's time I can spend doing something more important, like punching a wall.
2. I am not going to get into a pissing match about how horrible our current president is and what a bad job he has done in the last eight years. Guess what people...if you are given a bag full of shit to deal with, you deal with the bag full of shit as best you can and go from there. President Obama has done nothing but try his best to make this country stronger and better for everyone here. He has offered many people the opportunity to have affordable healthcare, and yes people, that is a socialist ideal: everyone having access to basic things, i.e. like health care, but that doesn't mean that he is a bad, bad man. If you think universal healthcare is bad, then you must also think that the programs that FDR put into place during WWII also place him in the bad, bad man category. Let it go already. Without "Obama Care" I wouldn't have access to the doctor's I need to manage to keep me from punching someone in the face, I also wouldn't have access to medicine that would also prevent me from doing the punching.  See, he did good there!
3. If one more person brings up those damn emails!!!
4. If you are willing to vote for a man that has been able to insult pretty much all minorities/marginalized people in this country, then you are part of the problem, not the solution to "Make America Great, Again." Degrading people that have disabilities, calling people rapists, demonizing people for peacefully demonstrating at your rallies, (which, FYI, they have a constitutional right to do,) Provoking and in-sighting violence to your followers if you don't get your way...I can't even begin to have a coherent conversation with you.
5. Media people, stop poking the mother-fucking bear already! If you keep doing news stories about this man and the nonsense that he spits out of his mouth you are only giving him what he wants.
6. I just can't handle people trying to actually defend a man that is full of hate. Making America Great, starts with not being hateful towards others. Do you really think this presumptive candidate is going to improve race relations in this country? Honestly, do you really think this douche is going to make minorities feel safe and not like second class citizens? Come on, you know he wouldn't and couldn't do it, and there in lies the problem- you know he can't do it, but yet you are willing to vote for him. What does that say about your own opinion of minorities in this country, if you are willing to vote for a man that couldn't help to ease the racial turmoil (even just a tiny bit)? If you want to have a discussion about race, let's do it. IF you are expecting it not be uncomfortable, then get over yourself and deal with it. Race is a hard topic to talk about, because it is something that people of color deal with everyday of their lives. IF you don't see a problem in this country regarding race, open your damn eyes and look around you. You can cut the tension in the air with a knife.
7. A woman as president...what are you afraid of? That she will get hormonal and just go off on everyone? Are you afraid that she won't be able to handle the pressures of the job, because women are delicate flowers and only men can talk politics? Shit, I can talk circles around people about what this woman is capable of doing to actually make this country better. She has a track record...yeah remember her husband-he was president, oh and she is an attorney-she knows the laws and yeah that one big thing...she was the MFing Secretary of State and spent a vast majority of her time in that position learning and creating relationships with countries.
8. I said don't bring up those damn emails!!!
9. Come on...THE FIRST MAN ever in office- that alone is pretty cool!
10. Vote, it's as simple as that. Vote and let the people be heard. IF and dear god if a certain person does win, I then know that this country is not ready and or willing to change for the better. We would be putting ourselves back several decades in several areas of progression that so many people fought for. We will be letting African Americans know that Black Lives DON'T Matter, we will be letting women know that they will continually be paid less than their male counterparts for doing the same work, we will be telling all immigrants that this is not the land of opportunity; because they won't be allowed in this country, we will be letting Muslims, citizens or not, that they are not wanted here and seen as a threat to our countries security, to wrap up this thought; basically we would be telling everyone that isn't WHITE, MIDDLE CLASS to UPPER CLASS WHITE MALES, you DON'T MATTER at all!

In history they say the victory writes the version of history for the rest of the world to read. Well, in a few months we shall see which victory will write the version of history for the rest of the world to read. May it be a good version and not one that alienates a large population of this country we call home. (for now at least.)

Be kind and do your research...don't go into this election blind.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A part of me...

These are poems I found a few days ago that I wrote...gosh I would say about ten years ago or even longer than that. These mainly focus on my own identity as a biracial woman. I know what you're thinking..."She looks white.", well, actually I am biracial- mom is black and my father is white. I check both boxes on forms or for the longest time I was "other." Yeah, that can impact your life for awhile.

Burden on Me

So much for me to handle
I worry enough for the world;
I should be playing jacks and eating candy...
Instead, I am the spiritual up-lifter, smile maker to people who can't see me.
I give smiles, much needed boosts to morale, but still no one worries for me.
That's because the burden is on me.


What it means to be black
Does this mean there is a certain walk, way of talk, style of hair?
Am I any different from my black sisters that have luscious lips and thick hips?
My blackness is questioned because I am not the color of coffee, mocha or dark chocolate, but the color of cream.
Eyes blue like the ocean;
I am not what I seem to be.


Blue eyes, fair skin, curly hair, full lips, small hips, straight nose.
Seeking someone to love me for me.
Needs someone who can handle both halves of me as one.
Take me as a whole, not two pieces of a color wheel.
Will shower with affection if only given the chance.
No liars, cheats, need apply.
Looking for a genuine man who will take me for who I am.

Unearthly Behavior

What is one to do?
Walk away from what is happening?
Everyone chose to take pictures and stare.
Laughing and shouting, what they had always wanted to say;
"It's about time." one woman screamed.
"You're getting what you deserve!" others declared.
The forecast called for strong winds from the north,
Possibly causing some strange behavior;
Among Animals.

Momma Didn't Warn Me

Momma didn't warn me it would hurt this much.
Momma didn't tell me my eyes would dry up from the river of tears.
Momma didn't tell me to watch out for sharks.
Momma DID tell me to cry and move on.
Momma DID tell me that a diamond deserves another diamond to compliment the shine,
not a lump of coal posing in shiny clothes.

Be kind!