Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A part of me...

These are poems I found a few days ago that I wrote...gosh I would say about ten years ago or even longer than that. These mainly focus on my own identity as a biracial woman. I know what you're thinking..."She looks white.", well, actually I am biracial- mom is black and my father is white. I check both boxes on forms or for the longest time I was "other." Yeah, that can impact your life for awhile.

Burden on Me

So much for me to handle
I worry enough for the world;
I should be playing jacks and eating candy...
Instead, I am the spiritual up-lifter, smile maker to people who can't see me.
I give smiles, much needed boosts to morale, but still no one worries for me.
That's because the burden is on me.


What it means to be black
Does this mean there is a certain walk, way of talk, style of hair?
Am I any different from my black sisters that have luscious lips and thick hips?
My blackness is questioned because I am not the color of coffee, mocha or dark chocolate, but the color of cream.
Eyes blue like the ocean;
I am not what I seem to be.


Blue eyes, fair skin, curly hair, full lips, small hips, straight nose.
Seeking someone to love me for me.
Needs someone who can handle both halves of me as one.
Take me as a whole, not two pieces of a color wheel.
Will shower with affection if only given the chance.
No liars, cheats, need apply.
Looking for a genuine man who will take me for who I am.

Unearthly Behavior

What is one to do?
Walk away from what is happening?
Everyone chose to take pictures and stare.
Laughing and shouting, what they had always wanted to say;
"It's about time." one woman screamed.
"You're getting what you deserve!" others declared.
The forecast called for strong winds from the north,
Possibly causing some strange behavior;
Among Animals.

Momma Didn't Warn Me

Momma didn't warn me it would hurt this much.
Momma didn't tell me my eyes would dry up from the river of tears.
Momma didn't tell me to watch out for sharks.
Momma DID tell me to cry and move on.
Momma DID tell me that a diamond deserves another diamond to compliment the shine,
not a lump of coal posing in shiny clothes.

Be kind!


  1. Nicely written, how exotic you are, and lovely. Love a woman with her own mind!
