Sunday, August 21, 2016

What is a Feminist?

On my drive over the weekend I started to think about what it is my definition of a feminist and why do I call myself on. So many people have different reason for calling themselves a feminist, and I am not going to discredit anyone's opinion of the definition. How one person views the world is not going to be the same that another views it. (We are humans, we disagree on things by nature.)

I cover my hair exclusively when I leave the house. It is something that I have done for almost a year this coming October. This was a choice that I made for myself. Many religious text discuss head covering and modesty for women as a way to honor their higher power and respect for themselves. This is not an issue over covering up as to not distract men's attention to you, it is about honoring the higher power you observe as the QUEEN you are. As a woman, you are not a distraction, but our society likes to make women in general feel as though they are a distraction for men. Not going to lie, I think a man would be just as distracted by a woman that is completely covered as he would be by a woman that is standing naked. (Just a varying degree of distraction, but you get the point.)

Alright, so back to my point...sorry I ramble sometimes. So feminism for me. Being a feminist means CHOICE. As a woman I have the choice to cover my hair for any reason I choose. It is not oppressive for a woman to choose to cover to follow the tenants of their faith, it is a powerful statement, saying I have the freedom to choose my religious path and practices. There are very traditional woman of many religions that choose not to cover, if that is something that their religion discusses as a follower of the faith. What is oppressive is when a woman looses that choice. When a woman is forced to cover no matter what, when fear overtakes them because they are unsure of what could happen if they do not. The power, the choice to cover for religious, health, fashion or any reason (and this goes for modest dressing as well,) is feminism to me.

The choice to choose whether I want to be educated. I have chosen to continue my education FOREVER, it seems. I have that choice. I had the option of doing what I wanted when I was finished with high school. It is up to me to decide what I do with my professional/academic career. That is a power/choice I have as a woman. That is feminism to me.

I do not need the Senate and the House deciding how things should be handled in my uterus. It's my uterus, and I'd like to keep that business between me and my doctor, thanks. Please do not tell me that there is no such thing as "legitimate rape," and that if it was really "rape" then a woman's body has a way of "preventing an unwanted pregnancy." Again, you are a man, you don't have a uterus, and you don't have the right to decide what is and isn't rape. If a woman says NO at any point in a sexual encounter and the person doesn't stop, Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's rape. Preventing a woman from having an abortion due to rape or incest, is again a man choosing how things should be handled in my uterus. You don't get to choose if a woman carries the child of her rapist. That choice is hers and hers alone. The choice to end a pregnancy for risk to the mother for medical reasons, pregnancy due to rape or incest, that is a choice that women should have access too and they should be not scared into thinking they do not have that choice. Having the choice to choose what happens with my reproductive rights is feminism to me.

I could go on and on about what else feminism means to me. But it boils down to CHOICE. Feminism is choice for me.

Be kind. (I am a little sleep deprived so-if this doesn't make sense, I apologize in advance.)

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