Friday, January 13, 2017


Alright, maybe doing this post everyday was a bigger challenge than I thought it would be. Notice the gap? So, with being said, I denounce the challenge.  I will go back to just posting when I will the need to. No pressure, which actually increases my in hindsight I was headed for a crash with this challenge.  Now to my actual post.

I have tried to keep my mouth shut about what is happening with the state of our government, but it is hard when you are seeing so many people's lives being personally touched by what they are doing. They say they want to put in place something that is better that the Affordable Care Act, but they don't know what that is. They are sneaky and go behind everyone and basically dismantle a system that has helped so many millions of people get health care, regardless of their existing conditions. This Act allowed me to get insurance and continue my therapy. This Act helps so many people and its as if they don't even seem to care what they have done. They don't seem to recall that our tax dollars give them the great healthcare, they don't worry about paying a monthly premium, they don't worrying about paying a co-pay or out-of-pocket expenses; because WE are paying for it!

It is disgusting how this country has allowed this man, and I use that term loosely, to get this far. I pray everyday that something good has to come of this...something good has to come of this.

Aright, so you say that we matter. You say that you care about the service my parents gave to this country and you want to make sure they are taken care of.

Alright, you said all these things when you stood on tv. Things that were hurtful, things that were mean. Did you think that we weren't listening? Did you think my nieces and nephews are blind to what they had seen? you want to "Make Us Great, Again." I thought we were moving forward, with a Black man at the helm. Race relations aren't perfect, but then again they haven't been since one man was sold at auction to another man. You talk about bringing people together, but in reality, all you have done is tear us further and further apart on this once great nation that I held so, so close to my heart. This country of ours isn't perfect, but no one is expecting it to be. You say you want to "Make Us Great, Again", but you have no clue what that means, because in your golden tower, you don't see that for the last eight years we have all been doing just GREAT with a respectable MAN.

Be Kind


  1. I am so with you Anjae. I can't even post about it right now and maybe I need to finally do a blog post and that blog I created that is empty. Because I am so disgusted. Just disgusted. It literally makes me sick to my stomach.

  2. haven't blogged in ages. Just saw this. It seems like it has been much longer than three weeks...but it really is hard to believe that all of this has and is only happened in a short amount of time!
