Friday, June 16, 2017


My father is not one to show much emotion. This is probably where I get my ability to navigate life with very little emotion on a regular basis. But he has over the years learned to say 'I love you' every time I see him or talk to him on the phone.
My father is a man of few words. What he says in ten words speaks volumes compared to what many say in a thousand words.
My father can be the most comical when he isn't even trying. He will crack a joke in the most intense situations and laughter can lift the spirits of our family like no other.
My father has a soft spot for furry, four-legged mamminals. Sometimes I think he likes being around them more than people- I totally get it though!!
My father gave me my love of learning. We play a intellectual game of tennis, hitting random facts back and forth at each other. He is one of the many reasons I am still in school getting my Doctorate, "School is your job, if you don't have one."
My father gave me my sarcasm. I learned from the best. I don't think I would know how to function if I didn't have sarcasm in my life. So, in a way, I don't know how I would function without my father in my life. He has always been there for me, when I needed him. He has given me so many things beyond 23 chromosomes. He cracks me up, he frustrates me, we drive each other crazy, because we are so much alike. I can not thank him enough for all that he has done for me, and continues to do for me (yes, even as a 35 year old). to the man that has more shoes than me, is the most dapper of dressers, and a man of international man of mystery, (still has not verified or denied if he worked for the CIA,) I wish him the happiest Father's Day.

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