Monday, September 8, 2014

Medical Haze

I am sitting at my computer and several things are fighting for my attention. I am trying not to go ham on the dog who has been barking for about 10 minutes straight because she has felt a change in the force. I am also annoyed that my computer fan is running really loud and I am afraid it might explode or just stop working.  I have been sick since last Wednesday, so the observations through the eyes of a medically induced haze is always eye opening. I am probably dehydrated and need to sleep more... back the dog barking she is so going in her kennel in about two seconds. I have about five assignments I have started and am ahead of for classes, but I feel as though I could do more, even though none of them are due for about three weeks. Ok, the force is back to normal, she stopped barking-for now, which means the mailman has embarked onto the next street. My mind is racing with thoughts, I had a dream that I was the protector of the library and I blasted about ten people who didn't pay their fines or lost books and weren't willing to buy the book. OK, yes this sounds silly, but I library fines are serious business and need to be taken seriously... I also dreamed that I was knitting a bridge across a river... no clue where that came from. And the force has changed again... the dog is like a jedi she can feel the change and then runs from window to window trying to figure out what is causing said change. My eyes are crossing so its a good time to stop typing... excuse the random thoughts, but Nyquil is some serious stuff and this is the result of it.

Be kind.

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