Monday, November 10, 2014


I am not going to lie... I love CHRISTMAS!!! But I also love fall. I am enjoying the seasonal colors, smells and in about two weeks, the FOOD. I have so many things to be thankful this year.
1. My loverly husband who has stuck by me through a really rough six months.
2. My mother- she offers comic relief during my homework breaks.
3. My father- who has allowed me to come home once a week and disrupt his life, so that I can further my education.
4. My health-I am so thankful for the team of people I work with on a monthly basis to keep me sane. They are miracle workers.
5. Myself-I have worked hard to be a better person and focus on the positive in the world.
6. Friends-I have realized that some friendships are effortless and are just worth every second I put into them. I appreciate them and welcome getting to know them even better as time goes by.

I have been counting my blessings each day and focus on the positive around me. Be thankful for everything you have and the people in your life.

My hope is that I can continue to enjoy life and whatever it puts in front of me.

Be Kind  today.

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