Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Closeted Obsessive Christmas Decorator...

I decorated my house on Veteran's Day...now let me throw out a disclaimer: I have had all my purchased Christmas gifts in our office in the corner of the room since summer. My husband said one day prior to Veteran's Day, "do you want to put up the decorations?" I hesitated in my answer because I was unsure of what he was asking me. In my moments hesitation I lost my chance to decorate.  So, lesson learned.  Now Veteran's Day rolls around..."want me to get the decorations down from the attic?" With no hesitation I SAY YES!!! he had no chance to back out on this now.  It took me less then an hour to have two tress up and decorated, Christmas music playing in the house, candles burning and a bit of Christmas in every room of the house. Yes, even the bathroom has decorations.  Don't judge. I hide behind my emotions that Christmas season starts after turkey day, but this year and I judge people, especially my twin for decorating in October. Its like you say you don't like Brittany Spears to all your friends but then when you are alone in your car and a song comes on you are singing at the top of your lungs, saying "This is my JAM!!"  Its like that with me and Christmas decorating... I say I don't condone it before turkey day, but in my heart of hearts I wish I could leave them up all year long. I had all my gifts wrapped and under the tree that evening. Now, to be honest, I think I was sending subliminal messages to my husband starting in October, with me listening to Christmas music in the office while I did my homework, watching Elf and Christmas Vacation when he would come home from work...not that I was trying to trick him, but it worked!  But he did agree that its nice to have all the shopping done and now we just enjoy the holiday season and we don't have to stress about shopping and dealing with people that seemed to have lost the meaning of the holiday.

So with that being said: " I am a COCD...and I am taking the steps to get better, but really do I need help?"

Be kind today.

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