Friday, February 20, 2015

Not Paying Rent

Today I turned down a job, a job that would have paid me well and I would have more than likely found joy in the challenge. A job that would need to me to start in two weeks and also require me to be away from my husband on a weekly basis. I started to think at first well this is great, I got a job offer-my resume speaks for itself. That is a good thing. When I called to ask about the start date and realized that the person I was talking to couldn't answer my questions, I felt irritated. I then decided after talking to the two people that set me on the path of righteousness, I turned down the job. It's not a matter that I couldn't do it, its a matter of my health and the undue stress I would be putting myself through to be a warm body in the classroom for two months.  The money was tempting, very tempting, in fact it was the first thing I told people about, but then the moment of clarity hit me. Am I that person that wants a job because of the pay, or I am still the person that wants to make a difference in the lives of the students that are in my class?  After thinking about this and then talking about it some more, this is what I get from my mother, "Anything in your mind that isn't paying rent, kick it out and put it to the curb." In other words, the money would be great, but the stress and unhealthy environment I would be in aren't worth it. So, I turned down a job today. There will be other offers, but for right now, if the thought in my head "isn't paying rent," it doesn't get to stick around.

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