Saturday, February 21, 2015

Sometimes you have to throw a little poop!

When your little you are told that, "If you have nothing nice to say about someone, then don't say anything at all." Well, adults are dumb for telling you to hold it in. I am a firm believer that if you say what is on your mind then the planets and stars align and everything is how it should be.  I was given the same "wise" advice when I was younger, but I didn't listen. I didn't listen because I didn't want my silence to be a confirmation that I liked someone or what they were doing. I would rather say the unflattering thing to the person and get it over with. I may not be good at small talk, but I can tell you how you are acting like a fool in a heartbeat.  Why do we try to pretend that everyone has something nice to say about a particular person or situation? Do we really want to live in a world where everyone smiles in your face, all the time they want to take your place? Yes, I did just use the line from the song, "Backstabbers."  People are so worried about hurt people's feelings that they in turn deny themselves the benefit of telling the truth.  If I don't like you or a particular situation I am not going to be quiet about it. You will know. Now, I am fully medicated, so my approach to telling someone they are a douche bag is less offensive. I only use one curse word as opposed to about twenty along with telling you that you are in fact a douche bag.  I think of life like a zoo, or better yet the monkey cages at the zoo.  People are walking around you pointing and trying to figure out what you are going to do next. You just want to keep doing you and sit in the hammock and eat a banana, but they keep banging on the glass yelling at you to do something. Well, here is what you have to when people are yelling and telling you what they think you should do- THROW A LITTLE POOP! Throw a little poop at the window and the little bastards hit the ground running.

Be kind.

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