Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A Rose like no other...

Ok, so I am sure many of you have binged on OITNB's third season and love it. I myself loved it as well. I particularly feel in love with Stella's character. Wow, Ruby Rose is amazing to look at and she isn't bad to listen to either. She has been compared to dare I say it "Justin Beiber" yuck...sorry ladies she is much better looking than the JB. Now that my new girl crush has been announced...I am not lesbian. I am human and any human with a pulse can tell that this woman, who identifies as gender neutral, but uses "she" pronouns is one handsome and gorgeous human being to look at! I guess you can say that if one is able to comfortably state that someone of the same sex is attractive then you are comfortable in who you are. Why does it make people uncomfortable to say that another woman is attractive when hello, this woman is stunning??!! If you find someone attractive it shouldn't matter what sex they are-aren't we all human? This brings me to the idea of gender neutrality...does it really exist? Well, I think it does. I think a person can identify with neither male or female. Just like I think a young man can identify as a woman from an early age. I personally identify as a woman, that happens to find both men and women attractive. I have told my husband of my female crushes and my male crushes as he has also disclaimed to me his. (And yes if either of us ever gets the chance we have promised that it would be perfectly ok to go for it. ) :) I don't care if you like men or women, or what you identify as or don't, just as long as you are a good person. That is what it boils down to...are you a good person.  I of course with my new crush been reading up on the good work Ms. Rose does and has done and yes she is a good person. Just one more reason to crush on her even more.  :)

Have a great day with whomever you choose to love! Love is love and a crush is merely a crush...enjoy them both.

Be Kind today

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