Thursday, September 10, 2015


Over the last few months I have been catching little bits of what the Republican candidates have been saying in the news. I AM SCARED!!! I am pretty liberal in my political views, as a teacher you have to curb a lot of your own views on topics, since I could get you in hot water if a student goes home and says..."Mrs. Hatley said this in class." I would rather present the facts, all sides of the argument and let them decide what they believe. But back to my thought, so I have been watching the train wreck that is the Republican candidates and again I AM SCARED. I am not just scared that one of these idiots will actually win, but I am scared that the American public is even entertaining these people as viable candidates.  Trump is a man-child that just resorts to name calling whenever he opens his mouth. The latest, he attacks the only female candidate's looks and basically said, "she isn't attractive, would you really vote for her." Way to be mature and talk about the issues. Women in politics tend to get bashed for their appearance, but trust me I am not voting for someone because I find them attractive, I am voting for them because I feel that they will make this country better.  Trump said on the air, "well, everyone talks about my hair." you are the only one that brings up your hair...I haven't heard anyone else say you have the worst combover in history! Why are so many Americans gravitating towards this man and other Republicans, I have a few ideas. (If any of this offends you, get over it, and be an adult-it's politics, it is what it is!)

1. Old white people don't and haven't like having a black President. (NOT ALL, I am sure.)
2. They just don't know any better and think that Trump and others are just a breath of fresh air and say it like it other words they don't know the background of the issues and aren't bothering to do the research to see that most of what these people are saying is really really off base.
3. The candidates are feeding into their own deep seated beliefs about women, minorities, and other issues that Liberals defend as basic rights for all.
4. They want change, but do they really? I mean come on...electing one of these candidates (what is the number up to now? Last I checked it was at 17) means that we will just be going back to a pre-Obama Presidency and the country will revert back to the mess that Bush ended up leaving Obama with.
5. People don't know the facts, before you start saying this and that about how bad the country has been since Obama took office, remember what the man was left to clean up: a huge conflict with several Middle Eastern countries, nuclear arms issues with Iran that Cheney, couldn't even remember he screwed up while in office, an economy that was in the shitter and no support from a Republican Congress. He has had to fight for everything he has done for this country since day one. We even had Republicans openly commit treason against the President, but since the public doesn't really know or research what is going on nothing was done about it.

I have already declared that if one of these candidates is elected, I will be headed towards really, I have discussed this with my husband and he is in agreement. I do not want to live in a country where a man like Trump can be elected and have the rest of the world laugh openly in our faces. They will take this country as a joke, we would have no leverage when it comes to world affairs, our economy would probably tank- you know the man filed for bankruptcy several times...too many things to mention.

I just ask, that people stop taking the words of any candidate at face value and investigate it. Don't go into that voting booth next November and just pick the name of a candidate that feeds the media frenzy. Think long and hard about your choice before making it, because once your vote is counted there is no turning back.

Be kind and do your research!!

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