Monday, September 14, 2015

Football (Fantasy or Real)

Alright, it's football season now...what does that mean for me? Well, let's just say I am less than thrilled. My husband finally got me into baseball- that has been a three year struggle. I am able to identify players, I know what is going on in the game, I know what the numbers and last but not least I know what all the damn abrevations mean...well not all of them, but the ones that count. Over Labor Day weekend, my husband went to his Fantasy Football thingy. You know when a bunch of grown men get together and pick "teams" for the season. He has been trying to get to understand why they do this, but to no avail. I sat down and watched the games with him this weekend, and I was excited that he was excited that he was in the lead with his "team." I ask questions about the game and he is patient with me, but I just can't with football...There is something that is unappealing to me with this game. I don't understand why people want to watch a punch of men run into eachother for FUN!  Now, that being said, I do my best to be interesting in the things that my husband likes, but he needs to get on board with me-KNITTING and CROCHETING. IF I am going to sit and watch and learn about two different sports, he IS going to be knitting or crocheting before the end of the year. He doesn't know this yet, but it will happen. I have a Cubs jersey, sweatshirt, three hats, and two shirts. Football wise, I have two shirts- again, this is a slow going process to get me into this game. (I am trying I swear.)  So, I figure that if I am willing to give these sports a try and actually embrace one of them fully, I think that is a good thing. I would have never thought I would be able to tell you anything about baseball. But now the challenge is to figure out how to get into football. We shall many games do I have left?

Be Kind.

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