Thursday, June 16, 2016

CIA Father

My father has been there for me all my life, he is still there when I fall and helps me get back up when I need help. (Yes, people I know I am 34, but hell a girl still needs her father sometimes!)

So, in honor all Father's Day I am going to tell you what I know about my father. Let me preface this with: we have a running "joke" in our family that he is in the are just a few examples of why we think this:

1. Never liked and still to this day does not like getting his picture taken. (could it be that other spies might see a picture of him on one of his four daughter's social media and identify him as an operative?)
2. He doesn't talk much about what he did after he served as a police officer in the Air Force during this could just be shell shock or PTSD (which are no laughing matter, but we don't know much about his work after that.)
3. I never knew what he did for work as a child. He would get dressed in a suit and disappear till about five pm and then that was it. Never talked about his work with us or my mom. I would ask him all the time what he did for a living and he would change the subject. (Sly, right?)
4. While cleaning out a box of old pictures and clippings from when he was in Vietnam, ( I was making him a better scrapbook) I came across payments in the amount of 10 dollars a month to an organization that helped children of the war. He even had a picture of the little boy he was helping. But as I put everything in order by month...he missed ONE month! That little didn't make it according to my father, but in the paper work there was no update on what really happened to this little?
5. My father has a nice collection of watches...I have never been allowed to touch or see these watches, which makes me believe there is something "special" about these watches. Do they make vaults open, do they scramble computers of other spies or is there a flash drive in one that can download secret documents on the fly? Who knows, all I know is they have to wound in a winding machine, and that could be the way he is able to get the information to his head CIA person.
6. My mom has no idea what he did while he was stationed overseas, I think the Philippines for some time. This was before me, but, she is in the dark about that whole time. When asked about it, he again changes the subject. (he is really good at this!)
7. My dad has not and probably will never set up his voicemail on his this so no one hears his voice?
8. My father has no social media at all...he is a ghost on the internet. (yeah I just did a search and nothing!) You explain that one to me...most people have at least one hit when searched. He's got NOTHING!
9. My father does not leave the house unless he really has to. That means all the covert stuff must be going down in the house, and since its just him and three dogs, he knows they are going to say anything.
10. He is going on a trip next week, and when I asked where, he giggled and said, "somewhere near Destin FL." Really? "Florida" is that really where you are going?" More chuckling and he clears it up by saying the AFB that is in want me to believe you know?

He is a man of few words and apparently a man of international mystery as well. Though, to prove he wasn't in the CIA- he did send me his entire viate': HELLO, if you were in the CIA, this obviously will omit the fact that you are in the CIA...can't be a reliable source!

With that being said, Happy Father's day to the Fathers out there and to the ones that are no longer with you. Also, a big shout out to the mom's that are holding it down doing both roles!

Be kind.

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