Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Asking too much...

Am I asking too much to have a relationship with you? Am I asking too much that certain people don't get in the way of that relationship? All I want is what we had when were younger...hanging out and not letting anyone or anything come between us. I miss you and just want you to know that I care. Even though I don't verbally ask you how things are I do care. My way of showing support is by calling and just talking to you. I don't want to pry. I figured that if you really wanted to talk about it you would. I just want you in my life.  I understand that you are going through something at the moment and it's rough, but please don't back away from the people that care about you the most. I am always going to be there no matter what. I don't know how else to say it, but I am scared that I will not talk to you or see you for a long time and I just wanted to let you know how that makes me feel.  We aggravate each other...we are cut from the same cloth, so that is to be expected. We share the same DNA, we know what buttons to push to bring the other to their knees. But again, I thought I was being supportive of you and your situation, even though I didn't verbally ask about it. I thought talking about the positives in your life was showing interest, support. I am not physic so I didn't know you needed more. If you need me to ask then I will, but there are a few things I need from you...be stronger than you think you are, be the bitch I know you can be when something isn't going the way you want it to, be the person that our mother raised you to be and stand up for yourself.  Don't let anyone tell you what to do. We have Mamie Davis blood running through us, and from what I know she didn't put up with bullshit, so stop taking the shit that is handed to you and handle your business. Give people the side eye when they question your judgement, give people the boot in your life that don't support you, say "hell to the NO," when you aren't getting what you want and really want it.  Be a fire in spite of all the rain that is hanging over your head right now. Is that too much to ask?  WE am not going anywhere, when you are ready to talk and let me in, I can sit and listen, but I will not pry like I said before.  Handle your business and don't let anyone tell you that you CAN'T do something or see/speak to anyone that has been in your life longer than they have. This is an open letter/invitation to talk and I will listen.  

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