Monday, October 13, 2014

Christmas Vacation

I  am not going to say that I am upset with people's behavior, I am disappointed. This tends to be the problem with me...I build things up in my head and want them to be wonderful. I am the Clark Griswald of Carbondale....there is a grand picture in my head of how things should go and when they don't I am disappointed. I want to stop caring about how people behave but it's hard when you have invested time in them. How can you not care about people, you thought cared about you?  See the problem?

I decided that I am only going to put stock in people that are willing to invest in me as well. And not on a superficial level, but on a true level of investment. No more, we are friends on fb and I never see or interact with...I want people in my life that take the time to at least see how I am doing, and truly want to be in my life. Again, maybe I expect people to be decent and oh I don't know be considerate of others, but I guess that is asking too much. I have recently had this revelation that if you take the time to truly be concerned with me, and its genuine, then you get to ride along with me through my life. If you say one thing and then talk out the side of your face, I want nothing to do with you. Say goodbye and hello to something called karma. You know karma right, do good and good will follow you and good things will happen to you... well guess what if you continue to be inconsiderate of others karma is going to bite you in your ass. I appreciate people that are real and have made an effort to get to know me and care about me. I thank those people in my life. You are all the reason I am doing so well and am not ranting with a slew of curse mother says I can curse like a sailor, just like her when I am upset. Thanks mother for that gift.

So to end said rant, this year, I am purging my life of people that do not give a damn about me. I am not going to say consider yourself lucky if you make the cut, but those that are in my life to stay and are truly invested in me, you are keepers. I may build things up in my mind to be wonderful and there is nothing wrong with that, but I like being Clark Griswald...his Christmas Vacation wasn't completely ruined, he at least had people who cared about him in his corner when he needed them.

be kind today

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