Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Common Sense

My mother sat me down yesterday and told me I have common sense. To paraphrase, she said the issues I have to deal with emotionally  has nothing to do with how I respond to the things that are going on in my life. I need to put that stuff aside and focus on the bigger picture and that is peace. She continued to say that I know what I am doing and I just need to keep doing it. She is a wonder of a woman. With her and my father breaking things down for me, I am blessed. They have always been there to protect and fight for me when I needed them. They have seen me at my lowest over the last year and they still protect and fight for me to this day. My mother continues with her tough NURSE RATCHET brand of love and tells me that I have a husband that will support me in whatever I do. (They think a lot alike and its a little scary sometimes how one will say something the other just told me the day before.) It was a "come to Jesus" moment with the Msgt that afternoon. I am a smart woman and know when I have been wronged, I understand that the situation I was dealt with was unjust. She told me that all I need to use is that common sense she knows I have. I don't need to let my emotional demons that are inside of me dictate how I handle things. I fight the common sense, because it is easier to cry and be emotional about what is going on at the moment in regards to the "incident." It is easier to just walk away and throw my hands up and say I just want to be done with it. But here is the kicker, I fortunately come from a family of fighters, therefore it's in my blood and I can not walk away from this without throwing at least a few punches to scuff up the (pardon my language) son of a bitch that screwed me out of a job I loved and was good at. My momma has my back and with her words of wisdom about using the common sense God gave me, today when I got three emails from the attorney and spoke to him on the phone, I was able to breath and take it all in. I was able to say with a firm, unwavering voice that I truly understood what he was saying. I say "I know, " a lot in conversations I am having with my husband and my parents and they know I am not really taking it all in, but today was the day I took it all in.  I was able to breath a sigh of relief after getting off the phone and had a grasp of what was said. Momma knows best and in this case it is for real. If all else false I know my momma will just come down here and take out everyone that caused her baby girl pain and she will be yelling from the top of her lungs, "PIMP DOWN!!!" as she does it.

I love everything that my momma is and ever will be in my life. My father has been a solid rock of advice and would bail my momma out in a heartbeat. My husband would be there probably in shock and awe, but I would just have to remind him that is how the Mamie Davis in us rolls and he married into the family so he just gets to go along with it :)

Be kind today.  

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