Friday, October 3, 2014

Karma is a Bitch and her sister's name is Joy...

I sat down here to finish my term papers for class, but started thinking about all the things that are swirling around in my head. I did a presentation on world religions for my class on cultural proficiency this week and I talked a lot about Karma and its significance in life and in the Hindu religion as a whole. For those of you that may not know what the concept of Karma is, it deals with how you live your current, present life and it's impact it will have on your next life. Now if you don't believe in reincarnation, then this makes no sense to you and you do not have to continue to read this post. But basically, if you are a good person, and you live and follow dharma, you will come back as something greater than before in your next life.  This is something that has always fascinated me about the religion, you get more than one chance to get it right. I love that idea. 

I have over the last few days come to realization that some people will have a hard time with this Karma thing. They are good people on the outside, meaning they seem like everything is happy and everything is good, but on the inside they neglect the most personal and fundamental concept of being a good person- How you TREAT others.  They may be really good to themselves and the people that are in their inner circle, but to those closest to them, they disregard them and disregard what these people have given to them in the past when they were in need.  They look down on people that do not fit their model of what life should be lived like. They act as though everyone will bow down to them because of the things they have and the people they know. Little do they know that the stars are not aligning in order for them, they are in a cosmic turmoil because of how they treat people. 

Being about to treat people, all people, with the respect and dignity they deserve is hard. I am guilty of being judgmental and harsh towards people I don't know, and I have sense learned that I was wrong for this. I am a easier person to deal with because I see value in all God's creatures and I see that not everyone is made the way I would like them to be. I have had to reflect on my transgressions that I have placed on people in the past and have to apologize numerous times to make my Karma right. I am at my wits ends with certain people and can't come to terms with how they have treated me and those that I love dearly. They act as though they are better than and that I and others should be beholden to them for them taking the time to be around me. I don't have agendas when I am with people I say I care for. I just want to be around them. I cherish the conversation and time I have with these people and take nothing more than that away from the experiences I have with them. 

This might seem incoherent and jumbled, it is partly, because my mind is thinking of my term papers, school models, and action plans. I apologize if you can't follow my train of thought, but I promise there is a reason for this little rant...Karma is real, people say it all the time; "Karma will catch up with you." I believe this to be true. But be warned if Karma is a Bitch and if she doesn't catch up to you, her sister Joy is a bigger Bitch to deal with. 

Be kind to others and know that you can only be you and no one else, so choose you! 

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