Monday, October 27, 2014

Confessions of the fat twin

As a twin you are constantly compared to the other. I was the smart, nerdy twin, while my sister was the artsy, creative one. I have even had people say to me, " no I was talking about the pretty twin, your sister. " Really people? Hello we look the same. Though we might look the same, and people are perplexed when they see us together-trust me it is freaky to see two people that look exactly alike. I stare at multiples all the time and now know what the big deal is.  Anyhoo... over the last year I have gained almost 30 pound due to medicine and depression. The medicine has helped with the depression but the weight gain doesn't exactly bode well for the psyche in some ways. I am not depressed about it, I have figured out that I have to learn to love this me and work on making sure I am healthy. If that means I am a little heavier than the last time you saw me, so be it. I am healthy, trust me. I eat healthy, I workout.  Here's the thing, you don't have to point it out to me. I know what I look like. I know that I have gained weight and I am working on losing a few pounds here and there, but becuase of the medicine I am taking that is going to be hard. But I am willing to put in the hard not crazy, puking, my body hurts hard work, but hard work-i exercise at least 4 times a week and eat lots of fruit and veggies kind of hard work. Back to that don't mention it to me point...just accept that I have accepted that this might be the me that is going to be around for a long time and that I have accepted that. My idea of a healthy body image is that I am comfortable in who I am- and I am! when you can say that you are happy in the body that you have been given, then you are truly happy with the body you were given and that is a big thing. Don't let anyone step on that feeling. Women are constantly being told that if they are not a smaller size that they are not beautiful... I disagree. I am one of those not so small ladies anymore and I think I look damn good. If you have given birth to children and have had people tell you that you need to lose the "baby fat" tell them to go fly a kite. Your body sustained life and a little curve here and there is proof that you rock! We need to stop being obsessed with the size and focus on the healthy...if a woman is a size 15 but is healthy for her age- then let her rock her size 15 and move on. Again, this is just the thoughts of a woman until recently was the "thin" person...I am still learning to love my new body, but I love it. It's not going anywhere so I better like it right?

Be kind today.

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