Thursday, May 14, 2015

Blood Pressure

My mother has been dealing with her blood pressure spiking over the last few weeks. I talk to my mother almost everyday, and no I am not the reason for the spikes! Well, maybe just a little bit. But I will get to the point. When she told me that she might have to go to the ER, I was on top of it. I was ready to drive the two hours to her to make sure she was ok, even though my father is only 20 minutes from her. She told me she was doing fine and that she was seeing the doctor in the morning...again I said I would come early and take her. I didn't want her to get light headed and have to drive. What kind of daughter would I be? Anyhoo, she sends a text msg to all us girls in the morning saying that everything is ok and she see the doctor again later this month. Now let me say, that the night before I talked to my father and told him that he needed to be "on call" just in case she needed him. Of course, in my great Nurse Ratchet fashion my mother already told him that I was possibly over reacting to the situation. Thanks mother! She also put me on a NO CALL mandate till the next day, because she wanted to rest. How am I supposed to check on you if you won't let me call you? She lifted that after only a few hours and I called her that night. My father is as my mother puts it "emotionally removed" from many situations, and that is where I get it from. He tries to be caring and understanding but in true CIA fashion he shows little to NO emotion to the events that are taking place. When I was in the ER awhile back...yep, you guessed it, very little emotion, he just was there to tell me to stop cursing and in his own way that was him telling me he cared. But I middle sister, texted to my mother: Stay healthy, I am not ready for all of this yet! And in that statement, I felt the same way... I am not ready for all of this "parents getting older" thing. I worry about my father and his diabetes and I check on him weekly to make sure the beagles haven't eaten him. I check on my mother to make sure she hasn't slipped down the stairs or fallen out of the bed... yes mother I still remember you getting your foot caught in the sheet and you falling into the closet in your bedroom! (too much blueberry wine will do that to you.) Whenever I see my parents I remind them that they have to live 80 more years... I am not joking. They have to live as long as me. Since I plan on living till about 100 or so they have to stick around till then. My father laughs and says you are one day closer to death everyday, and the thought of that makes me cringe. But he is right, you are closer each day. You never know what is going to happen. I know that one day I will have to see my parents in a hospital. I will have to see them suffer. These are hard things to think about, let alone type right now. I don't want to ever see them like that, but that is what happens when you get older. It's the circle of life (not to rip Disney off) but its true. They care for you as children and once they can no longer care for themsleves you do it for them. It's hard to digest, but I don't have to worry about it for at least another 80 years, so I am good.

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