Thursday, May 7, 2015

Teachers deserve respect

When I was growing up, you never wanted the teacher to call home or send a note. My parents view on teachers was this: you listen to what they say- even if they were wrong in the information they were telling you, keep your mouth shut. They also felt that if the teacher said we did something wrong, they didn't blame the teacher- they beat our ass and told us that we better start acting like we have some sense.  That is the problem with today's children. (again this is based on dealing with and observing behaviors of children- I do not have children, so I am only speaking from what I know.) Parents want to be friends with their children or they teach them that challenging everything that an ADULT says to them is ok. NO, it's not ok. My parents are not my friends. I still can't curse around them and get nervous ordering drinks around them till this day. They will always be more adult than me no matter what my age is. I know that if someone older than me tells me something I better listen. I learned at an early age you don't talk back to adults-now of course if an adult is doing something of an abusive nature, by all means YELL at the top of your lungs and tell somebody. As a teacher I do not mind a student asking questions, but when they are trying to make you look stupid intentionally because they think its funny and they think they know more than you, HOMIE DON'T PLAY THAT! If a teach says something that is incorrect there is a way to tell them or ask questions so that it can be a learning moment for everyone. There have been times when I was wrong, standing in front of my class, and a student was question me in a respectful manner. I would say simply, "we can check on that..." If I was wrong then that was ok, but when you get students that are smug and arrogant about things like that and you bring it to their parent's attention- they blame you! Did you ever think that your child might be the problem? Did you ever think that your child might have been the one that was disrespectful in the situation. My mother would tell it like it is to her students and the parents. Unfortunately, in the public school system these days, teachers get all the blame. Teachers deserve respect from the students and their parents. There is the sense of privlege that some students have becuase they have the right family name, their parent works at the school. or on the school board, or they are institutions in the community...that still does not give your child the right to talk to a teacher like they are adults. Here is what it comes down to, if a child talks to a teacher/adult in a manner that is disrespectful, that means that you as parents allow them to talk to you that way...teach your children some respect.Like my parents said,"if you aren't going to respect me, how the hell are you going to respect anyone else?"

Be kind to the people that educate your children...and teach your children to respect them and any adult!

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