Friday, August 21, 2015

Keeping it Classy!

Growing up my mother never taught me how to apply make-up. Today, I only were Chapstick, mascara and eyeliner. That's it. It was not something I every really wanted to know how to do. My mother doesn't wear much make-up either, so that might be the reason, all of girls don't wear much. That is a good thing: for one our significant other will never sue us for misrepresentation (recent news article I read- the wife looked completely different without makeup on.) No really look it up its a real story. Secondly, this to me doesn't make me more or less of a "lady" I actually hate that term, lady. It is so old fashioned and makes me feel like I have to act a certain way. I drink beer, sit with my legs sprawled open, I curse like a sailor, and I would be the first to say that I am a sarcastic beast around everyone. My mother never told us to "act like ladies." She would and still says "keep it classy." which for me is better than "act like a lady." I can keep it classy while cursing someone out for being a dumb-ass- I just enunciate my curse words so that there is no confusion of what the meaning of my words mean to the recipient.  (My momma taught me well.) And what does it mean to act like a "lady?" IN my world it means whatever in the hell you want it to mean  Isn't it just an issue of teaching your children to behave with manners? IN my world, that makes sense.  My mother says you can "keep it classy, but always yell PIMP DOWN!" if you have to. I come from a long line of women that didn't take crap from anyone. My mother likes to tell me stories of the women in our family and trust me, I wouldn't want to ever have been on their wrong side. My grandmother and according to my mother, my great-grand mother were sweet women, but could take care of business if they had to. They kept if classy but would probably cut you if they had to. I can handle my own if I have to, there is a lot of Mamie Davis blood in these veins and it might surprise people if they step on the wrong side of me. My momma likes to warn us girls when we are going to get it... it might not be today, a week from today, or even this year, just know that she will be lurking around the corner with a wooden spoon (her weapon of choice) and pop you in the face when its time. All the while keeping it classy and never messing up her manicure or breaking a sweat.

love you momma.

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