Sunday, August 30, 2015

Scared Straight

This morning I have sat through two episodes of Scared Straight... I know what your thinking, "It's Sunday, you should be cleaning the house!" Don't worry I have already started cleaning. The tv is really just on for background noise. While working around the house, and listening to the crying of the young children and the screaming of the inmates... I started thinking about what my mother would do to me if I ever was in that position. Now here is the disclaimer: I would never have been in that position, I will get to the whys of that in a moment.

As a young child, I was a little devil. We had a neighbor that had flowers on the side of their house and I would pick them...isn't that what you are supposed to do with flowers? Well, back to the story, several times my parents would have to tell the angry neighbor that no more flowers would be picked, the lady was not nice about it, and demanded that my parents handle it. If you know my mother, she doesn't like to be told how to handle things, so let's just say she might have got an attitude with the lady and my father more than likely had to step in and be the voice of reason. I grew up in a generation that if you did something, guess what? YOU PAID THE PRICE! I am a product of child that got spanked. My dad had these leather house slippers that were so smooth on the bottom from being worn all the time that they were perfect for spanking. Or if you happened to be in the right place in the kitchen, the wooden spoon would find its way to your mom is a ninja and could get up on you in seconds if she had to. My parents were not my friends growing up. I knew this, even through college they were not my friends. That is how I was raised, they were my parents and they were in charge. Today, especially being a teacher, I noticed the dynamic between parents and the children I was teaching, the parents were trying to be FRIENDS with their children. Sorry, but that is not how I grew up. Now today, I can joke around with my parents, but you know what, they are still just my parents, I still defer to them if they tell me to do something. My mother can still come at me with her hand and I do cringe- I am 33 and yes, I am still afraid of my momma and her wooden spoon. My father and I joke around but I still respect him as my father, I have a hard time drinking around my father, that is how much I still think I am his little girl.

Reason I would never have to go through a Scared Straight mother scares the HELL out of me! That's it, simple as that. My mother is a beast and can take me down with just a look. She doesn't have to say anything to me, just a look says it all. I love my mother and respect her like no other, but I have learned that if I do something, even to this day, I will get a "come to Jesus talk." the next time I see or talk to her.

Being a military child I learned quickly to follow the rules, and if you didn't follow the rules there would consequences. My parents always said that "they didn't want us to ever have them go to the school." They meant that. My parents never did parent teacher conferences, never went to parent nights, etc. It was in the best interest of everyone if my parents didn't have to go to the school.  That was enough to keep us in line. I never had think about "well I think I can get away with this..." Nope not going to chance it. My parents WILL find out. Being the youngest of four girls I learned from my older sisters what not to do. My parents ALWAYS found out. It was best just to do as you were told and move along. While teaching I would have students say, "go ahead and call home, they aren't going to do anything." WHAT??? This statement is crazy, my parents would have knocked me out if they got a call from the school. I remember my father having to write a letter to the high school principle for some reason when my older sister was in school... let's just say the situation was taken care of and the principle knew that he didn't really want to mess with my father. (As one of my mom's former students likes to say, my father might or might not have been in the CIA-so he is someone not to mess with.) Life with my parents is fun, they keep me on my toes.

I was scared straight by my parents they could be a great program for troubled youth!

Be kind today.

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