Thursday, July 24, 2014

I am...

I am...
1. A teacher. My mother is a tough lady and I get my teaching personality from her and I wouldn't want it any other way. (May not be in the classroom currently, but this is the vocation I was called to do and I love it!)
2. A partner in the best relationship ever. He has been there for the good and I didn't scare him away when it was he's a keeper.
3. A creative force to be reckoned with.
4. A twin, and the youngest of four girls. (my father got a lot of  "wow, how do you deal with a house full of women?" when we were growing up.)
5. A student. Going back to school is what I have wanted for awhile and everything that happened to make it possible is a blessing in disguise.
6. A daughter to the best parents a girl could ask for. They have been with me through the ups and downs of my diagnosis and they have always just said to me, " I love you and want the best for you."
7. A friend. I have learned over the last few months that people are meant to be in your life for a reason. For those people that have disappeared there is a reason. As my mother says, "People come and go in your life for a season and a reason." I believe this to be true. I have gotten close to several wonderful women over the last few months.
8. A big kid at heart. (I will laugh at farts and burps like a 10 year old...can't help it.)
9. An advocate for mental illness. So many people suffer and don't feel they can tell their story, but they are not alone. 
10. A descendant of great black women. Even though I might not look like it, I am trust me. I come from a line of women (Mamie Davis) that didn't put up with BS and my mother has taught us that we are strong and can do anything we put our mind to. IF anyone tries to stop me, I am naturally going to give them the evil eye and continue about my business. 
11. A sarcastic siren. I have the best poker face and could sell poop to a man in a white suit. ( I get it from my father.)
12. A closeted Christmas shirt,sweater and sock hoarder. Well now you know.
13. A lover all 80's movies. They make me happy and that's all that needs to be said.
14. A person that has bad days but the good days are happening more and more.
15. A woman that is finally finding out who she is and loving every minute of it.

So who are you? What role(s) do you play in your life? Are you happy with all of them, or is there something  you would like to change? Everyone is unique in their own right and I would rather have people around me that are different that cookie cutter molds of the same person. Be yourself, because it's beautiful!

Be kind today.

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