Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Wooden Nickels

My mother sent me a text yesterday warning me about wooden nickels and how I shouldn't pick them up. At first I thought to myself...ok did she get into the blueberry wine again! So I asked for clarification and here is what I got: Watch out for FAKE-NESS.  I started to think about this a little more and said to myself, I have purged my life of everything and anything that is fake. So then I continued to ask questions and of course my mother had a dream. Now if you know my mother and her dreams they often come true and you should adhere to her wisdom wholeheartedly. So, what is fake in  my life...well to start out my health is fake. I have lived in a lala land of believing that I am 100% for far too long. I realized yesterday and over the weekend that I have been picking up wooden nickels for a long time and there was no bank that was willing to cash them in. So in other words, momma was right in telling me this yesterday and I know that change is coming for the better and all I have to do is avoid any more of those oh so appealing wooden nickels.

Be kind.

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