Wednesday, July 30, 2014


I have been around several people that have totally changed my mind about how truly wonderful people can be towards others. They have opened their hearts to me without any questions asked. I have been knitting with several ladies and attending a small group for awhile (still having a hard time going to church- way too many people- but that is a work in progress).  They have all been so warm and inviting that I can't help but wonder why would anyone be so generous to someone they barely know?  I am amazed at the generosity of people that I have only known for a bit and how loving they are. For a person that suffers from depression and anxiety, it is wonderful to have people around you that are so inviting and open minded about getting to know who you are. They put you at ease and make it easy to be around them.
When I go knitting on Mondays its a time for me to sit and listen to the stories these ladies have to share about their lives. I don't talk much, but that is ok, they don't mind. Same for the small group. I am there to be around people that have something I can learn from. They offer advice and I sit and soak it all up.  When my friend sent me a text message and it had a picture of the cake she made me, I teared up...she is one of the kindest people I know and I am happy that I have gotten to know her over time. After spending time with her and several other people I can finally say I have FRIENDS here and that warms my heart. I hope that I can learn to be as generous as they have been towards me.

Thank you and be kind today.

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