Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Climate (Not the weather.)

With recent events happening in our world, it has lead me to believe we have a really bad climate of hatred. Will it ever change? Will my children (that I don't have yet.) or your children's children ever see a time in their lives where there is total peace? Now if you know me well, I am sarcastic and a huge skeptic about life in general. I question just about everything that takes place on an everyday basis. Much to my parent's delight, I was and still am their child that asks too many questions and talks too much for them.

Back on topic...why is there so much hatred? I am going to speak mainly about this country, even though there are so many things to discuss about events around the world.  As a history teacher I could speak at length about this country and it's many transgressions against people living here. As a teacher, not a history teacher, I could speak you in great length about the division there is between students of different social, gender, ethnic, race, sexual orientation and much more in the school, city I live in.  But back to my point, as a woman of color, I see the way that people look at me. I have noticed it more since I now cover my hair when I leave the house. Even though there is a population of students and professors in the city that wrap for various religious and other reasons, it is still uncommon for people to see in this area. People do double takes, even though it seems to me rather common place.  Its not just the way people will look at someone that is "different" in any way, its the way they do it...it's that distinct face of "why the hell are you here and what are you going to do." face.  People often are afraid of what they don't understand, and I would try to explain to my students, that diversity is glorious and it makes the world a beautiful place, but it also creates conflict.

The climate of hatred in this country is growing by the minute. While I sit here typing, someone is being beat for being the "wrong skin color", the "wrong religion," the "wrong gender in a bathroom that doesn't fit what they were born as," being "mentally ill, and people think you are the one to hurt them," and just for "not fitting the mold of the NORMAL." (I hate that word.) What is the norm in this country, well, just take a look at what one Presidential Candidate is saying and doing. That will give you an idea of what seems to be the norm for this country. I don't even want to get started on politics, it makes my head hurt just thinking about it.  I re-posted something on FB today about, when a White man does something, their entire race isn't blamed for what happened. That is true.

There is privilege, and if you think there isn't you are benefiting from that privilege in some way. I in no way want to make it seems as though I blame all horrible actions/hatred on white men in this country. I would be blaming my father and my husband if that were the case. I just know that as a biracial woman, I see the privilege while being with my husband and father... I see how differently they are treated as opposed to being with my mother or sisters (mom-black, sisters- one black and one Japanese.)  I also see what happens when my middle sister (black) takes her five children to the store; she has two biological children and her and the BIL adopted three siblings that are white with blonde hair and blue eyes. Now, don't tell me that people don't stare. They question it, trust me.  We as human beings need to re-evaluate how we attack this climate of hate...why is it still there? Does the person that loves someone of the same sex, really cause problems in your life? Does the color of one's skin determine their ability to do a job well? Does the sex on someone's birth certificate matter if they identify as another? Do these things bother you? Do they have an impact on your life in anyway? If I pray to Allah five times a day, go to church on Sunday, am an Orthodox Jew, am I hurting you?

I hope that one day, the climate will change for the better and there will not be hatred for things that you just don't understand...but here is the thing; you actually have to want to learn something about what you fear is too different to make the climate change. The clouds will lift one day, that is my hope.(hope this makes sense...a little tired and my brain is on overload!)

Be kind out there...do your best.

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