Sunday, June 12, 2016


I'm back!, has been awhile since I actually had time to sit still long enough to actually write anything. (Or think of anything other than school topics!) I am finished with my last semester of CLASSES for this program, and am looking forward to the fall where I get to do something I am actually interested in! YEAH.

Alright, so over the last two weeks I have been cleaning out the house. I cleaned my closet out and let me tell you my nieces are lucky young ladies, they are getting a lot of great things from me! I noticed that while purging my closet and dresser, and then the next day I organized my tichels (head coverings) as well. I traded a few with some ladies so, that was even more purging for me. It was so cathartic to get rid of things I wasn't wearing or using. Just the idea of not having in my way anymore put my mind at ease. My mind was so clear, that I was able to sit down and be creative in my craft nook. This was so restful and relaxing. 

So, why I am telling you all this? Well, let's just say that over the last two years I have also done a little purging of people in my life. I think the last post was about cutting people out that don't fit me anymore. It's kind of like the clothes. They don't fit anymore and they need to be passed onto people that could use them. I have been very selective in who I share things with, hang out with, talk to and just overall surround myself with. I now understand that my mother was right when she would say, "People come into your life for a reason and a season." This is soooo true. If they stick around longer than one season, guess what? They stay with you through the good, the bad and the ugly. I have noticed who has been around me for all of that. (you know who you are.) I have noticed that my circle of people around me has grown smaller. I have noticed that my phone doesn't ring that much, I have noticed that I only hang out with a very few select people. This does not bother me one bit, but it does tell me who survived the purge and who hasn't. It also tells me who was meant to stick around for longer than one season. The older I get the more I don't have time to be "pretend" friends with people. I either like you or I don't, I don't bullshit anything. I don't have time for that. I don't have time to be fake to someone just because it's something that is socially accepted as a norm. IF you know me I do not fit into the norm. I hate the norm...the word normal makes my skin crawl. 

You don't just have to clean out a closet or organize a room in your house to purge things from your life, sometimes people have to be purged too. It is about you being authentic and true to who you are and if someone does not fit into your life, their season is up and its time to move on. 

Be kind.

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