Saturday, October 15, 2016

35 things I know to be true...

Since my birthday was Monday, thought I would reflect on a few things. Here are 35 things that I know to be true in my life. (Again, these are things that I KNOW TO BE TRUE, you may not agree, but when it's your birthday-make up your own damn list!)
1. I am a year older, and still don't have more than about five people I actually would physically hang out with in person. (This does not include family members.)
2. I curse more than ever before. Sometimes you just have to say FUCK! It's just warranted for the situation and sometimes it's not, but it still just needs to come out.
3. My relationship with my family members is not constant-it is a live organism and constantly changing day by day. Sometimes radio silence can make a huge difference.
4. I have come to terms with who I am as a person with a mental illness. Thanks to the support of my husband a great team of doctors and therapy team, I am finally learning to advocate for myself.
5. I like baseball. WTF? Yes,I like a sport- I like an actual team, I have a jersey,I am actually watching them right now-go Cubbies!
6. I think my twin sister values her friendship when other friends more than she values mine. Just being honest. Problem of social media- you see things that hurt your feelings. Brew fest here this weekend, asked a month ago- there was a no given, but you are at one with a former sorority sister I haven't talked to in over 15year, but you have become close...because she seems to fit into your lifestyle better. Oh well.
7. This list is going to take a long damn time to make!
8.i have been tested over the last two years in ways that I could have never imagined. But like a Phoenix I rise.
9. I love teaching more than I I thought I did. I love being able to substitute while finishing my keeps me grounded in a profession that is my calling.
10. I pretty much have an overall distrust of many new people that enter my life. It's a trust thing...I can determine if I like someone pretty quickly.
11. Sometimes my family likes to shrug off my decisions not to do somethings as being part of my diagnosis. I will tell you if it has something to do with it. It is not the only reason, I do or don't do things in my life. Now that I can advocate for myself, the dynamic has shifted and I feel they don't understand that.
12. I am in a relationship that gets better by the day, I am happy I found a man that is goofy and willing to out up oddness, watching Christmas movies, obsession with hairless cats, yarn collection, and my need for madea. 
13. I have a love hate relationship with my treadmill, we are working on that. We are seeking counseling. We will get through it.
14. I want a copy of the CDC's zombie survival booklet. Come on, when shit goes down, don't you want to be ready? There is none of this trail by error crap like the Walking Dead.
15. I gained weight. Once I hit 30, my body said, fuck it, you are on meds that of course weight gain is a side effect, so why not gain 25 extra pounds? Why not? It will be fun!!
16. I have a problem with Christmas socks. It's real- I knew it was a problem whe it hit 35 pairs. Do I need to speak to someone about this? Not at all.
17. Am I going to have children? The question of question...don't know what is true about that one yet-check back next year on that one.
18. I am an old soul. 
19. I am a nerd. I honestly have very little in common with many people I met, and find it awkward to chit-chat about mundane things in life. 
20. I know that I am voting, are you? I won't be voting for Trump...that's all I will say. No, that doesn't mean that because I have lady bits, I will be voting for the female candidate, there are other options-I will leave it at that. 
21. Again, this is taking forever to to do, with I had just turned 21...I'd be finished!!!
22. I secretly love one Justin Beiber song...well, it out there now, no more secret. 
23. I hate candy corn and peeps. Whoever came up with them should be water boarded!
24.-35 ok, to finish this list, I must just defer to a few sentences that sum up the past year of my life. I have struggled more than I think I ever have I my life, personally and professionally. I have learned that I must be a caretaker sometimes, even when I didn't think I could. I am exhausted beyond belief when it comes to school,but I have to find the strength to finish; I am so close. I know that it is for the betterment of my professional ad personal life for me to continue on with my academic goals. I have had to support my partner more than ever in a life changing choice,not knowing the outcome. (I am a planner- so that was difficult-but I pushed through.) I am tired right now, this baseball game is going on get than I hoped and I am sitting in fleece pjs so I kinda won't to head to bed...but my hubby is a little loud when the Cubs are playing.
Be kind

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