Friday, October 21, 2016

What are you so afraid of?

What are you so afraid of?
Am I hurting you in any way?
Are your children in danger if they walk past me in the street?
Will you be scared in some way if I speak to you and ask you for directions, because I am not from around here, you see?
How long are you going to stare at me, before you just walk away and mutter a slur under your breath?
What will it take for you to see that I am not a threat, but a lesson for you instead?
Why do you have such a distaste for a glorious piece of fabric?
Do you stop to ask me why I wear this crown or do you just assume something with your hateful stares?
What is it that is in the fabric that triggers you to grab for my covering and yell at me?
Why are you so afraid?
Do you know me, to be afraid of me and the garment I have chosen to adorn MY head with?
Have you come to the conclusion that I am just another one of "them" that needs to "go back to where they came from!"? But in reality, we all originated from one spot!
Our origins are intertwined, but you do not see that, you only see what frightens you...
What are you so afraid of?
It's just a beautiful scarf that means many different things to so many different people.
What are you so afraid of?

This is for all the women AND men who have ever been harassed for the choice to cover for whatever reason. Covering is a personal choice and no one should ever have to fear for their safety because of a personal choice they have made for THEMSELVES!

Be kind to each other.