Monday, October 31, 2016

How will you be seen?

I am the 23 chromosomes of a descendants of slaves
I am the curly haired, straight nose, blue eyed, thick lipped contradiction to your white washed world
I am that one drop rule that makes me unacceptable to the majority

It's ok to grab and comment on my body, take advantage of and have to live with it just have people say, "Boys will be boys," or "It's just locker room talk."
It's my fault for not bringing up the situation when it happened...blame me for being traumatized and told it won't go anywhere, even if I did say something.

My illness is real, but will it be treated as such?
Will I and so many others be mocked by you and told it's all in our heads?
Will my sister have to worry about the quality of life her youngest son will have because of his "disability?"

Will the covering I wear on my head, the covering that my Muslim friends wear become more of a threat to you and your "policy making?"
Shipping costs are going to rise with you in office if you try to ship off all of the "NON-AMERICANS"(none of us are true Americans) ; only those battling over that pipeline will be left.

Walls. I do not want to be on the same side of the wall that you stand.
No one will build this wall for you.

Will the hatred that you preach like a sermon from your racist pulpit, divide our country more than ever before?
You have opened "Pandora's Box" and it doesn't seem to want to close...
Too many wounds have been opened- made deeper by your words, words of your followers, words from a man who claims to be the voice of the people.
If you ARE the voice of the people, I beg of you to SHUT THE FUCK UP!

You do NOT speak for me.
You will NEVER speak for me.

Election day is in one week...please take your vote seriously and exercise your right to vote. VOTE...don't think that your voice does not matter; it does!

Be kind.

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