Friday, October 14, 2016

Something in this will possible offend (read if you like)...

Just from the title, you have been warned. I am not meaning to offend anyone. I just feel that people are so sensitive to what is going on politically, that it is spilling over into other aspects of out lives and people are getting offended by the smallest things. Alright, things that offend me: racism, discrimination of ANY kind, homophobia, Islamophobia and really just any type of hatred or blatant disregard for another's basic human rights, because you don't feel that they are doing something you don't like, or it goes against your values/belief system. you know what offends me...oh there is one more thing, wearing socks with sandals- please don't do this!

Ok, here goes:
1. I curse a lot... I say FUCK or SHIT at least ten times a day. I am an educated woman and I know a shit-ton of words, but sometimes ( see right there, I could have used a different word, but it didn't work out for me, ) these words come out and to be honest, I am perfectly ok with cursing someone out and calling them on their bullshit. Yes, I can have a conversation without these words, I do it regularly, but as my mother says, "sometimes you just end up cursing like a sailor and it is what it is." Now, am I going to curse you out just for the hell of it, NO, there must be just cause. I don't go looking for people to curse out, but if you open yourself up; and by that I mean, you say and do things repeatedly  that are degrading and disrespectful to myself or people I know or even people i don't know...prepare yourself for a battle royal.
2.Please don't say someone is disgusting just because their way of life is different than yours. That mean, just because you don't agree with it, and it goes against what you want in your life, doesn't give you the right to say it's bad for the other person. Last time I check, people had free will.
3. The concept of gender...I don't care what/who you identify as or who you love or don't have a relationship with. All I care about is: are you a good person. If gender is fluid then so be it, float on one way or another and stop where you like. Again, I don't care. Please don't let anyone define who you are or should be. OH yeah, that is something that pisses me off...when people try to tell others WHO they are. Again, last time I checked people had free will and can be whatever they would like.
4. DON'T force your beliefs on me or others. If i have questions about something in your life, guess what I will ask. Same goes for me. If you want to know something, just ask. Everything that is holy on this earth, please do not try to force your beliefs on me. I am more likely to come at you with a "Fuck off," or "what is this Shit?" rather than welcome your forced interpretation of something onto my being. So back up. We can discuss these things that are different between us, I like discussions.  I am an adult, I have kind of already made up my mind about a few things in my life, but thanks.
5.Now the fun stuff...Turmp or Hilary? Honestly...I know I am voting. I know I am NOT voting for Trump. Beyond that, it's personal and I would like to keep that private. (I have three options other than Trump.) I am so tired of the back and forth, it's getting to be a battlefield. The things that people are saying about supports on both sides is disgusting. I am a teacher, I teach government, I honestly am happy I am NOT teaching full time right now this election year. I am happy that I decided to go back to school and do not have to deal with the questions and heated conversations that would consume my class because of this election. Yes, they would consume my class, as I am sure it is consuming many classrooms around the country. This is a defining moment in our country. We will either be electing a Douche Bag, Bigot, or a woman with a proven past in politics, (yes, she has a questionable past- hell all politicians have a sketchy past.) We shall, see. But damnit, if I hear someone say "the lesser of two evils" one more time, I swear I might explode from the stupidity. THink about the statement! The lesser of two that is saying that they are both EVIL, but you are going with the least evil. Does that even make sense? Again, you have two more choices- write in and third party candidate.
6. Do I agree with kneeling during the Anthem. Well, as a biracial woman, who has seen and dealt with racism, who also has family that has served in the military and is a direct decedent of slaves...yes I am 125% ok with the silent protest of taking a knee during the anthem. Come, on people, he wasn't being disrespectful- he wasn't yelling or running around, he just simply took a knee in SILENCE. which he has every right to do. There is no law that says one has to stand during the anthem and place your hand over your heart. There is no law that says you have to sing the song. Nope...nothing stating any of that as law. Personally, if I were a young child and I saw a athlete do this, I would ask questions, Why is he doing this? There you go mom and dad-teachable moments- those darn teachers are always talking about!  Instead of getting upset over someone being quiet and doing his SILENT protest during the anthem, why don't you get upset that black men are being killed at alarming rates? Why don't you get upset, that Muslim woman are having their hijabs ripped off them in the streets and called horrible names? Why don't you get mad, that a child is sitting on the corner of busy street begging for food? Why don't you get mad that woman are being cat called and touched walking down busy streets and afraid for their safety? Why are you mad that the number of sexual assaults on college campuses has risen? Why don't you get mad that the attacks on transgender females is increasing? Why don't you get mad that our mental health system is not doing justice to the tens of thousands of people who suffer everyday from an illness?

I am not intentionally trying to offend anyone, that is never my intention. I just like to brings things to the forefront and start discussions.  As a teacher, I had to play devil's advocate a lot, so maybe that is what I tend to do in my life in general. I poke the sleeping bear most of the time.

Be kind.

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