Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Life Changes

No these are not the life changes my mom has been talking about for the last few years, those are hormonal changes...but I feel like I have hot flashes all the time! She swears its just the medication, but that has yet to be determined.

How many times in one's life do things not work out the way you had it all planned out? Well, for me I am going to say that over the last three years nothing has really worked out the way I planned them. I got a great job, fell in love, was diagnosed, lost that great job-no sarcastic and or rude comments will be made about the "incident" but I will take a millisecond to think them in my head...ok back to work, decided to go back to school for my Phd and got married just about a week ago. Now that is a lot happening in three years, but I am still here.

If I have learned anything from this, and this has a lot to do with the life talks my mother gives me on the phone when I call her (mind you I have to listen to these as they are terms of the conversation agreement I signed back when I was born.) She has told me everything happens for a reason and a season and I think I have mentioned this before. I am in the season of things are looking up and as she liked to point out to me, I have an amazing man (now husband) standing at my side through all of this. She also tells me that if I just stay positive anything is possible. She is the person that gave me the backbone that I stand tall with today, because she was given that same backbone by her mother and subsequent Davis women before her. I am as my mother likes to call me a "drama queen" and I didn't see this till this past year. After going through the incident, I thought my world was over. But in reality my life was just beginning. I have made life changes that have only benefited me and I am glad that she was along for the ride with me. Of course I am also happy to have a great man who has been there for the good, bad and the ugly with me as well. There are still so many more life changes that will occur in my life, but I know a few things will stay constant; family, close (real) friends and the strength I have to keep moving onward and upward.

Be kind today.

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