Friday, August 22, 2014

Beautiful Ride

I have a card on my bulletin board that says "Life is  Beautiful Ride." Really? This by no means is meant to be a Debbie Downer, but is life really that great everyday, for everyone? Nope. Some days suck more than others and sometimes you just have a bad day. Does that make life horrible, well it depends. I would say that if you have more bad days then good, yeah life kinda sucks for you and that ride isn't as pretty for you. If you have a horrible day here and there then ok, life isn't that bad for you. Like  right now, I am bored out of my mind, I have been waiting for my classes to start- I am completed homework readings and assignments for the first three weeks of class- and I am calling everyone in my family to talk to them. Is this a bad day, yeah kinda...boredom can lead to a bad day, where you just don't want to do anything. Is this one day of boredom and lazy feeling going to make my life ugly, not really, but it is a blemish on what is otherwise the beautiful skin of life. MY life skin is a little blemished from the bad days I had over the last few years, but guess what? I have super strength zit cream that is clearing it up pretty well. If I have learned anything over the last year, you don't dwell on the small stuff and you celebrate the big things in life. That is what makes life truly beautiful.

Be kind today.

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