Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Children and why I may never have any....

Disclaimer...I like children of all ages, newborn through high school. Hell I teach high school students, I even like them. Please as a parent do not take this as an attack on you as parents or that I hate your children. I have many friends who have children that I like. Just wanted to throw that out there before you read any further.

About a year ago my then boyfriend (now husband) were sitting on the couch watching the cheerios commercial with the adorable little mixed girl on, and I turned to him and said "We could have one of them someday?" I have referred to children as "it", "them", "curtain crawlers-thanks to my father, I love this one!", "Little shrunken adults", "aliens" and "monsters." To be honest I like children from a far, if they can go home to their parents and I don't have to deal with them I like them. Being a teacher I honestly do love my students, but the best thing is at the end of the day, they go home! (No really I care about my students A LOT!!!)

Working in a high school gives you perspective on having children. You get to see what the "cute little people" will become and sometimes it's not pretty. Teaching can be the best birth control ever invented. You encounter great kids and then not so great kids. The not so great kids, most of the time I could win them over with my wit and sarcasm, but then they would turn around and act a fool in another class just after telling me they would be good. See as a teacher I can smell and see bull shit before it has even hit the fan. I have a sixth sense for it. Now its not just the children that are good at demonstrating why I do not want and or need children in the foreseeable future...the parents also give me a glimpse of why I don't want children.

Parents seem very happy when their children are small and have limited motor skills and can't talk back to them. They think its cute to post pictures of their children at various stages of their development for all the family and friends to share in on the joy of childhood. But there seems to be a shift in the paradigm once the child can walk, talk and take a shit on their own. Parents don't look happy once their children hit puberty. And again, teaching high school I can understand why they don't look happy. Teenagers can drain the life out of you. Parents that end up with the "bad" kids are often clueless to the fact that their child is actually as bad as the teachers say they are. Parents with the "good" kids will drive the teacher mad with all the stupid crap they try to pull to make sure their child stays on top. Parents become just as bad as the wait its where they learn these self-serving, I deserve the world and I am better than everyone else and I am going to challenge everything you say mentalities that drive me mad!

I have been seeing all the pictures of children's first day of 3rd grade, kindergarten, etc...and yes that is cute. But come on its just the first day of school! My parents didn't take a damn picture of me and my sisters going off to school, you know why-because its just school!  Again if you do these things its fine, its your thing, but I am just voicing my opinion. No harsh feelings, I can take it or leave it, its just not for me.

My parents are blessed that they have 7 grandchildren now, and with my twin falling in love with all the babies she works with, they might get 8 out of the whole deal. But as for me, I don't really see it in my future.I don't like doing laundry now for two people, I can't imagine having to do more laundry to accommodate children-since I guess you have to put them in clean clothes everyday.

Children are wonderful and I love teaching them, but I love it when they go home too. I do not have the gene that tells you want to be a mommy when you grow up, and I am happy that I don't. I can't see myself enjoying poop and being peed on and laughing about it. YUCK! It's not for me and to be honest I am getting older and I like just having dogs, they do their own thing, they are happy if I throw  a ball and walk them around the block. They live a simple life and that is for me.

Children are great as long as I don't have to raise them and they go home with their parents after my time has expired with them. Again this is not a bash on parents and children, just my thoughts. Enjoy your life and I will enjoy my childless life- to each their own.

Be kind today.

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