Thursday, August 7, 2014


There are a lot of things that I really want to say to people about things they say, do etc. But you know what I have learned sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all. Practice some restraint and use the wisdom that God gave you and just say nothing. This is rather hard this day in age, when you can be so passive in the way things are said. Social media has made it easy to hide behind words that you probably wouldn't say in person.

Try this... just be silent when someone says or acts in a way that is contrary to your beliefs. Silence sometimes is the best way to tell someone you disapprove of what they are doing or saying. It cuts like a knife. They think you are gone, but really you are just waiting for karma to catch up to them and then you will know that your silence was for not. It's kind of like your a ninja and who doesn't want to be a ninja?

Be kind

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