Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Silent Gift

Every just get tired of talking or listening? I am to that point. I have talked/listened so much in the last 24 hours that my body is drained and I am exhausted. I have a profession that requires talking, but at the present time I do not have to talk all day if I choose not to. I like the silence that I have when I alone. It is calming. I have been reading this book about a man who was paralyzed at age 13 and he discusses the silence one experiences when this happens between the mind and body. I really understand what he is talking about. IF we could just step back and take a moment to be quiet for a moment, we might actually gain something from the moment we are in. I want the silence to wash over me and engulf me for a moment. I want to shut my mind off. Now this does not mean that I want to completely disengage from world and myself, I just want to experience the silence once in awhile. Taking a moment to think first and then speak is a gift that we can all give ourselves. So, I leave you with a moment of your own silence to think about nothing and restore your soul.

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