Wednesday, May 7, 2014


A friend sent me something to read yesterday, that was wonderful and put a thought into my mind. The statement is long, but there was a part a bout "avoiding aggressive people..." They are "vexations" to the spirit. I read this and thought this is completely contradictory to what many people teach their children or tell themselves about the way they should be in life. Being aggressive is a trait that many value. I used was taught that if you want something you have to go get it. Being aggressive has helped me but it has also hurt me. What my friend sent me hit a cord with me, especially this one small part. I avoid almost ALL people, when I should be avoiding the AGGRESSIVE people. Those are the people that have been trouble in my life and created a hole in the space where my tolerance for people lays. the definition of vexation: the state of being annoyed, frustrated, or worried.

Think about it...the AGGRESSIVE people you know in your life, or even if you consider yourself aggressive- how do many people react to you? Now I am not saying being aggressive is wrong, but to be engulfed in it it makes your spirit heavy and can do the same for the spirit of others. I know that being aggressive brings a drive... I would consider myself very driven, but that does not mean I have to be aggressive. I have decided that it is better to be less aggressive to ease my mind and the minds of those around me. Its less stress and easier on the spirit. In our society we teach our children that the more aggressive you are in life the happier you will be, because you have worked hard for it.We unfortunately live in a world that aggressiveness is awarded and the people that have chosen a different path are labeled weak or not driven. Being aggressive in life is hard work. I almost lost myself in how aggressively I was seeking people's approval that I had to just walk away. (well, they sort of made me walk away-but in hind sight I am happier for it.) Just be a happy balance of aggressive and amiable and you should be ok. And no this does not mean don't be driven and try to get everyone to like you, its more about you and how you feel at the end of the day. If you can smile as you fall asleep at night then you've got it! So go forth and spread joy and kindness and that, one day will be rewarded, promise!


  1. I go to sleep smiling every night ...because I read your blog before I go to sleep. It really helps me put my day in perspective
