Thursday, May 8, 2014

Reasons to Teach...

In honor of it being Teacher Appreciation Week I thought I would get my blog post completed early.
I watched my mother teach high school for close to 20 years. She was the teacher that most students thought was mean and gave it to them straight. NO sugar coating with Msgt. Hatley. I never thought I wanted to be a teacher till I was working on my Masters degree. I fell in love instantly. I think it has to happen that way for someone to truly want to teach and make a difference. No matter the age you teach, and if you really do love what you do, regardless of the petty school politics, cliques (and yes they exist), little pay for lots of work, the reasons to teach are too many to type out here, but I thought I would take a stab at a few.

1. A Hello in the hallway from your students can make your day.
2. Money is good but when you see student connect to what you are teaching, it's PRICELESS.
3. Your days are long, but rewarding.
4. You love the "bad" kids just as much as the "good" kids. (sometimes a little more)
5. No matter the age you teach, you are amazed at how the young mind thinks about things.
6. Its wonderful to see the light bulb finally light up when they get it.
7. You can't count on your fingers how many times they try to make you smile/laugh before November.
8. They become "your kids" and you won't let anyone talk bad about them.
9. You find yourself trying to figure out how to make a seating chart that will make your life easier on days your not feeling 100%.
10. Independent work days in class-complete silence!
11. (I teach high school so this works a little better) Sarcasm can break the ice on the first day of school.
12. Standing at the door before each hour and saying hello to each student that walks in.
13. Getting your OWN classroom.
14. You question why you got into the profession your first year (its rough) but then a student comes back after they graduate and says thank you.
15. You truly love planting a seed of knowledge in their brains-even if they pretend they aren't listening.

I am not in the classroom at the moment and won't be while I am working on my Phd, but I can tell you I miss every second of it. I wouldn't want to do anything else in the world but teach. It takes special people to be teachers and I know a few teachers that love their jobs and go into work everyday thankful they get to do what they love. They love it because its not just a job, its their passion. My mother and father always told me and my sisters do something you are passionate about and you will be happy. I have never been more happier than when I would hear down the hall, "Hello, Ms. Hatley." It's like music to my ears. So think of a teacher that has touched your life and say a little thank you to them before you end the week. And teacher friends I have out there: keep doing what you'are doing even though its hard, you are making a difference I promise. I didn't think I was until I was no longer in the classroom. Be kind tomorrow and have a great weekend. What a great way to finish the week-thanking teachers and mothers!

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