Tuesday, May 27, 2014


I honestly have nothing really to talk about today. I have been quiet since I woke up this morning, so that is a clue that I don't particularly feel that great. I think just be silent worries people around me. They think something is really wrong if I am not talking! No really people I just want to be quiet and have nothing to really say about anything. That is a problem in the world: Everyone has something to say about everything. You know that golden rule, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Well, I am learning to keep that close to my heart most of the day. It is better for me to be quiet than speak. I would rather you think something is wrong with me than say something that could potentially cause problems after it has been said. And to be honest, I am not as opinionated as some would have you believe. So the basis of this is just keep your mouth shut when its not something that needs to be said. Now of course if something is happening that is unjust, cruel, etc. then by all means yell at the top of your lungs! But for now just be quiet.

Be kind to people today.

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