Wednesday, May 14, 2014

New Day

Rainy days always make me sleepy. I slept in till about 9:45 today, which is really late for me. Had my morning coffee and now I am ready to go back to bed. There is a dog sitting at my feet that would gladly go back to bed with me-no objections. So, today I thought I would give you some ideas on what one does during a rainy day. Some of these I will be doing today, others are just mere suggestions if you have the time and the means.

1. Read a good book, while wrapped in your leopard snuggie. (yes this one is happening today!)
2. talk to your twin on the phone about how her moving down the street is going.
3. Start planning your summer vacation weekend to CHICAGO to see a pretty lady and her family. (Nad, I really am coming to visit!)
4. dance around with the dog to some loud music that makes you think of college-which has now been 10 years since you were a freshman.
5. Watch the cardinals play on the bird line outside your window.
6. Watch the hawk fly through the backyard and intimidate the cardinals.
7. Use some glitter to create something special....this one you have to do with care, since glitter is like sand it ends up in places you never thought it could go.
8. Try taking the dog out, but you get of look of,  "Would you go out there to pee? Cause I sure am not!"
9. Call your mother and discuss everything under the sun and have her tell you a story about when she ran away to New York. (Momma I haven't heard the whole story.)
10. Enjoy the day and know that what ever worries you had today are being washed away with the rain. Tomorrow is a new dawn and a new day...and you will be feeling fine!

be kind today.

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