Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Rare Books

Can we change the way people perceive us? Or are we doomed to have people  think the same thing about us for the rest of our lives... A friend sent me a link to a great article talking about this exact thing. Making friends out of enemies. It had something to do with how Benjamin Franklin turned an enemy into a friend just by asking him to "borrow a rare book." The person was so flattered that he would even ask, he was so friendly to him from that point on. Have you ever done this? My mother always says "Kill them with kindness." I feel that this is great advice. You should not give anyone a reason to think ill of you, but you can beat them at their own game if you really, really, have to. If needs be, ask to "borrow a rare book" and forever have that person eating out of your hands.

Be kind.

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