Monday, May 19, 2014


Our thoughts become our words, our words become our actions, our actions become our character, our character becomes our destiny.- Gandhi

Think about this for a moment what is your destiny? Do you ever really know what it is while you are alive? I guess what Gandhi was saying was, your character means a lot to not only you but to the people around you and that is in an essence your destiny. How you treat, speak and act towards people becomes how your life will turn out. If you speak with king words, do kind things and think kind things then your character is kind. 
Now no one is perfect and its hard to say that I have NEVER thought a mean thing in my life. (trust me over the last few months, many horrible words have been thought and said about a particular group of people.) But I am human, you can't be perfect all the time. Do you really think Gandhi thought good things all the time...probably not, but he realized that his character was what people saw and that determined how his life was going to turn out. 
I guess he moral of the story is, think, speak, do kind things and your character for the most part will be kind. That is the destiny I wish for all of you, a kind one.

Go forth and spread the kindness.

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