Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What If Factor

What if you:
1. Danced around tonight and sang at the top of your lungs to songs from when you were in high school
2. Ate breakfast for dinner or had dessert first
3. Called up an old friend you haven't talked to in awhile and reconnected
4. Told someone you are thinking of them and hope that everything is going ok for them
5. Smiled at everyone you met today
6. Held the door for someone, even if you had to wait a little bit for them to get to the door
7. Told your mom and dad thank you for raising you
8. Held the hand of you SO as you cross the street to enter the store
9. Sat down at the table and played a board game instead of watching tv tonight
10. Were the first to say "I'm Sorry" in an argument

What if you just lived your life for you and the people you loved, how great would that be? Do not become concerned about what others think of you. You are not on this earth for people to judge, you are on this earth to do something fabulous, so take the WHAT IFs and do them. No regrets in your life, you don't want to be sorry you never tried something because of the What If factor.

Be kind.

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