Thursday, June 5, 2014

Bigger Plan

Yesterday confirmed for me that are BIGGER things out there for me. Last night I went to small group and we were talking about plans that God has for you. You may not know what it is just yet but there is a plan. Now I don't care what faith you are but I teach world history and almost every religion I teach talks about there being a higher plan for you.  I was accepted into the PHd. program and that confirmed the path I was to take for the next two years. I am looking forward to being a student again. It has been a long 3 months since the "incident" (that is what I am going to refer to it as, since its better than calling it "the bullshit the school pulled on me.") Anyway, so back to my plan. So the plan for the next two years is to complete my course work. After that we will just have to see. I am not going to say what if anymore, or question what is going to happen. I used to plan like crazy months in advance and to be honest not having a plan has been the best thing for me. Yes, there is a path now for me to embark on but its not the complete PLAN that is laid out for me, that will come in time. Yes, I have to make arrangements for what is going to happen when my health insurance runs out, yes I am going to have to make arrangements to get unemployment after my last paycheck but none of this is a plan its just something that I have to do in order to make ends meet. I am hopeful for the future even though I don't know what it holds, and that is refreshing. I don't have to know/control what happens I have to live in the now and take things as they come. And trust me I know there is much BIGGER PLAN for me.

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