Thursday, June 19, 2014

You've got a friend in me

This weekend I will get to see someone who I haven't seen in almost 6 years...could be longer. She is my college roommate and I love her like a sister. She has been there for me through the good, bad and oooooohhhhh so ugly. She is a rock when you need her to be and a the sweetest person if you need that. I love this girl with all my heart and know that no matter how long we have been apart, or even if we don't talk for awhile, we pick right back where we left off when we see/talk to each other. I have apologized to her husband and my SO already for the crazy that will ensue when we see each other. There may be interpretive dance, singing out of key, tons of college flashbacks, and yes HUGS!!!! I am not a crying person but she could get me to shed a tear or two when I step onto her front steps.

The first time she went home with me for spring break, she busted her ass on treadmill down in my mom's basement. She has busted me out on speakerphone to my mom about several things (momma you know what I am talking about-VHS tape.) We took a shot of "mr. bumpy face" before walking in our college commencement. We never missed a PJ party for BSA, even though they were a hot mess.  Out of all this, she has always made me laugh. We are thick as thieves and will always be. Our lives are completely different, she is the mother of two beautiful little boys, works full time and is married to a great guy.  I am in a relationship with a wonderful guy, no kids (and none on the horizon until I stop calling children "it" or "curtain crawlers- this one courtesy of my father.) and I am going back to school. Though we took different paths, we still have one thing in common, we love laughing and hanging out together.

Over the last year I have been absent from a lot of people's lives. It was my year to fix me and then work on fixing the relationships I have hurt through stepping out of the picture. Well, like I said she is a rock, no matter what I say or do, I know she has my back. I know that I have will always have a friend in this woman!

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