Tuesday, June 17, 2014


My dog barks at the mailman every single day like clockwork. I would be surprised if she missed a day. On Sundays she begs for the front windows to be opened so she can have something to bark at. I was thinking about the mail yesterday when I was having a conversation with someone...We live in a society that is very connected and many people have a hard time sitting down to even talk without looking at their phones. I am amazed just driving around town, how I will see all of the passengers on their phones and no one is talking to each other. Its the same thing when I go out to eat. I say all of this, as I want you to be connected to my blog and read the shit out of it...but this is in a good way. Its about the personal feeling you get when you check your mail and its a physical piece of mail. I am lucky that my twin likes postcards so I get one about once a month. I love getting mail. It makes you feel special, like someone out there cared enough to send you something. My mom sends me coupons... and I love it. I think its mainly about slowing down and taking the time out to put the phone down and disconnect for a bit. Try it you might like it. Heck write a letter to someone you haven't talked to in awhile. Make them smile when they check their mail this week. Slow down and take time to reconnect with people and not a device that you hold in your hand.

Be kind.

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