Monday, June 30, 2014

Nothing to say...

I think I am all talked out. There are days that since I talk for a profession I don't want to talk anymore when I get home for awhile. Over the last few weeks I have come to the conclusion that I am done talking. Its not that I am done talking about and expressing how I feel, I have just progressed into the next phase of my treatment. I don't need a group setting anymore and that is ok. I have plenty to keep me busy and keep my mind occupied in a healthy way. I just think I am all talked out and have nothing to say anymore twice a week. We had discussed this earlier, and I am to that point of I think I am ready to move on. I have this week left and then I think I am strong enough to move on...its just that change is hard to do and this is something that needs to be done. I don't like using crutches and I have used this for long enough. It was useful to me when I needed it but its time to move on. I have nothing left to say so Its best to move on to the next thing. School will start up soon and that will keep me busy so I have no worries about that. Its the unknown that could make someone crazy, but then again its also the unknown that is super exciting and I am looking forward to to. Though I might have nothing to say in group therapy anymore, I have plenty to say to the world I live in and will do so when prompted.

be kind.

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