Friday, June 6, 2014

Did you hear me?

Over the last year I have had to LEARN how to listen to what people really say. I heard a lot of promises of support and do what you need to and we will be there for you, but in the end guess what that is not what they really said.
Instead they said, " you're a problem and we need to get rid of you." If I would have heard this from the start I think I would have been able to fight a little better when the "incident" took place. (Refer to previous post for a definition of the incident.)  I have also learned that many people say things that they do not mean. I would rather have one true friend who is going to be honest than 50 who are going to blow smoke up your ass. People that are still in contact with me to this day are there because they say what they mean and mean what they say. I shouldn't need someone to interpret what has just been said, but three months ago, I needed about five interpreters. Today, I look back on it and laugh a little bit, partly because "Karma is a bitch and her sisters name is Joy."  I heard what they really had to say that day and it wasn't pretty, but I am going to turn those negative words into power to fuel me into my next life endeavor. Negative words wound, but they can ignite a fire that can be seen for miles and won't burn out till it has consumed those negative words and turned them into a positive.

Be kind to people this weekend and really try to say what you mean!

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